Sunday, October 24, 2010


Started a new painting today. It's of two owls nuzzling. Right now it kinda looks like one a big owl ha ha. I have to work on it a lot more and it will look like two separate owls :)
I'm painting on the smooth side of the canvas. I kinda like that better. It makes it more flowy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

SunFlower Painting

This is a painting I'm finishing up that friend Purva asked me to do for her. She took a trip to eastern washington this summer and saw all these beautiful sunflowers. The image is from a picture she took on her trip.
I'm not very good with blurry background images so I didn't do that part very well :P I probably should learn how to do that better Ahem. Teach me. lol!! So my text painting will be of an arbutus tree for Cameron's moms bathroom. She redecorated it and stuff. Until then.
